Imagine with me…
36.9 million people living with HIV today. 35 million lives taken since its entered our world. Immeasurable billions affected. 5,000 new infections every single day.
Now imagine with me.
Imagine if we realized HIV/AIDS does affect me. These are not far away statistics for a people considered as “others.” This is You and I, and everyone we know: Mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, friends, loved ones. Someone loved by someone. The magnitude, the indiscrimintoray nature of who it reaches: It must concern me.
Imagine if we paid attention to the immeasurable worth of every single life and their God created purpose on this earth. Imagine what our world would have looked like if the 35 million artists, doctors, writers, faith leaders, teachers, musicians, philosophers, scientists were still here with us, contributing their gifts to our world.
Imagine if no more lives were cut short by this virus. Not another life taken.
Imagine the ripple effect each life saved had in our communities and beyond....
This site is dedicated to that very reality: To the heroes changing the face of this epidemic into one of hope and life. This site is committed to demonstrating the irreplaceable and undeniable impact that individuals are making to save lives, transform perspectives and collectively change the trajectory of this epidemic.
I dare you to not be humbled, inspired and grateful to these men and women for the acts of honor and service they are dedicating their lives to. I dare you to not be overcome by their love and their commitment to fight for others to live.
I dare you to not be transformed by this love. And now imagine, if you offered your love too.